WordCamp Jinja 2022 was held on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd Sept 2022 with several sessions happening (1) at The Innovation Village [TIV] Jinja main hall, (2) at The Creative Tribe co-working space inside TIV, (3) in the TIV Training Room, (4) at Jinja City Hall, (5) at Jinja College School Computer Lab and finally (6) at the Source of The Nile. In total, over 200 participants attended the various sessions.
Below are some of the captured moments.
The Innovation Village TIV, Jinja hall was the main venue where diverse speaker sessions were held.

Jinja City Hall was the venue for the beginners track, which mainly targeted teachers and students.

The Creative Tribe co-working space inside TIV hosted the Website Hackthon

Jinja College School Computer Lab hosted the hands-on practice session for teachers and students

The TIV Training Room hosted diverse speaker break away demo-sessions

And finally, The Source of The Nile, Jinja hosted the After Party!

Check out more photos in the drive at this link: bit.ly/wordcampjinjaphotos
It was a privilege to speak at #WordCampJinja. Many thanks to the @WordPressJinja community.
This was indeed cool
I am happy I attended. For the presentation I made, find it here, miklahlife.com/wordcamp-jinja
Huh! Got totally exhausted by the end of the WordCamp, being our first to organise here in Jinja and being a multi venue WordCamp catering for different needs of high school and university students, teachers, startup entrepreneurs, developers, designers and publishers! Still trying to recollect after several days of rest! It wasn’t easy, I am grateful to the almighty God and everyone for making this possible!